Did you know these facts about Turkey? “The famous Trojan Wars took place in Western Turkey,around the site where the Trojan horse rests today” “The first church built by man …
Geographic synopsis of Turkey, answers for the questions: where Turkey is Turkey located, what continent is Turkey in, what is the geography like in Turkey. Turkey has very unique location …
Going to Turkey is very safe, convenient, and especially the people are extremely friendly and lovely, always ready to help others.A corner of Istanbul city. 1. Visa to go to Turkey …
An overview of Turkish economy with answering what is the economy like in Turkey, main exports and biggest trading partners of Turkey. Turkey’s economy is mostly based on a free …
Find out basic information about the government of Turkey, learn whether Turkey has a democratic government or not, is Turkey secular or not. When the Republic of Turkey was founded, …
The history of ancient Anatolia, or Asia Minor, where is one of the most important places civilizations like Persians, Greeks, and Turks inhabited. Anatolia has a very long and rich …
Learn the national symbols of Turkey, like her flag, national animal, national drink, official flower, and national sport. Turkey is a country that values the symbolic meaning of things and …